Newcomb Construction is Wisconsin’s leader in concrete tilt-up, and our technical knowledge and industry expertise are unsurpassed.

The Founders Award

The Robert M. Newcomb Founders Award was established to honor the employee who best embodies the core values on which Newcomb Construction was built in 1975 – quality craftmanship, attention to detail, creative problem solving, proactiveness, mentoring, and client satisfaction.

our top 5 thanks

The Thanksgiving holiday is nearing and this time of year many of us reflect on what we are thankful for. Here’s Newcomb Construction’s Top 5 Thanks for 2021!


Construction is an essential industry and craft skills are in high demand nationwide. The industry is safer thanks to improved safety regulations and technology. Compensation is trending upwards. Construction work is more than a job - it's a career.


Newcomb’s tilt-Up Industry Professionals

Our team of construction workers understand the technical and project delivery methods to produce tilt-up buildings with the highest standards of quality workmanship. At the same time, they are able to streamline the building process and reduce overall building construction costs. Carpenters by trade name only, Newcomb industry professionals specialize in tilt-up concrete building construction.

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Architectural finishes in concrete tilt-up

When tilt-up panels are sandblasted, the aggregate within is revealed, showing an interesting, raw texture. We are given the chance to see the toughness and strength of the materials that make up the panel.

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Construction Development Services

Newcomb Construction is committed to finding innovative building solutions for their clients. Partnering with the client in the early development stages builds trust, client confidence, and value.


TCA Membership Benefits

Newcomb Construction has been a member of the Tilt-Up Concrete Association since 1993. As a contracting member of the TCA, there's a long list of benefits such as awards programs, networking, education, certification, etc.


Construction Safety

Newcomb Construction, along with many construction firms across the U.S. and Canada, have joined forces for the annual Safety Week, a construction industry-wide education and awareness event. Safety Week 2021 will be held May 3-7. This year’s theme is “Holistic Safety - Be Present. Be Focused. Be Safe.” ­­­­

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Materials & Supply Chain

The current building construction industry is experiencing several challenges related to steeply rising materials prices and supply-chain issues, resulting in delayed deliveries or unreasonable lead times.

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Newcomb Construction Co. is more than exterior concrete tilt-up panels. We're equally proud of our interior construction building methods that combine the customer's business needs with highly innovative interior construction.

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in-house structural engineering

As a design build contractor, we provide in-house structural engineering for the entire building. This allows us to utilize our engineering expertise, construction experience, and building information modeling to ensure all structural elements are integrated into the architectural features in the building. Having these specialties under one roof allows us to provide constructible and innovative solutions to complex building systems.


Tilt-up process

There are several benefits of concrete tilt-up construction such as fast track delivery, reduced costs, durability, and design flexibility. Although tilt-up is not new — it has been in use for well over a century — there are still many industry professionals not familiar with the process. Here at Newcomb, concrete tilt-up is delivered in these basic steps: