Our Top 5 Thanks

The Thanksgiving holiday is nearing and this time of year many of us reflect on what we are thankful for. Here’s Newcomb Construction’s Top 5 Thanks for 2021:

#5) We are very thankful for our Clients and their trust in us. Each project is an opportunity to build relationships, and after 45 years in business, we are extremely proud of the number of repeat customers in our portfolio. Our clients inspire us to continue to improve, and it’s our goal to exceed their expectations in every way. Thank you to all of our customers, past and present!

#4) We are thankful for our Newcomb Project Team members who are committed to delivering the highest quality, concrete tilt-up building construction. Newcomb’s structural engineering, project management, and field labor teams consistently deliver award winning concrete tilt-up buildings, which is a testament to their individual talents as much as their teamwork skills. We are very grateful for their hard work, attention to details, and quality craftsmanship.

#3) Thank you to our loyal and dedicated Subcontractors and Suppliers. Our success is highly interdependent their performance. 2021 certainly presented a long list of challenges in project delivery methods, supply chain management, cost increases, and scheduling. We greatly appreciate the perseverance and commitment from our network of business partners and value their contribution to the success of each building construction project.

#2) We are thankful for the benefits that are inherent in a family business Work Environment. The unprecedented events of the past year have presented family businesses with significant challenges. Working through this adversity together has created a stronger appreciation for the resilience of the company, for our founding principles, and for the value of a family owned business.

#1) Most importantly, we are thankful for our work Family here at Newcomb Construction Company. This includes every employee in the office and field. There is a strong legacy of family values, leadership, and business history here at Newcomb. We are very proud to have 20-, 25-, and 30-year employees, and equally excited to welcome new employees into the fold. We are deeply grateful for all of our loyal employees, as well as our shared core values, commitment to family, and guiding principles that make us stronger at work and home. Thank you to all!