
Newcomb Construction, along with many construction firms across the U.S. and Canada, have joined forces for the annual Safety Week, a construction industry-wide education and awareness event. Safety Week 2021 will be held May 3-7. This year’s theme is “Holistic Safety - Be Present. Be Focused. Be Safe.” ­­­­

When we think about safety in the construction industry, we first think about things like PPE, equipment inspections, and the important policies and protocols we have in place to protect our workers from any dangers or on-site injuries.

But what about the things we can’t see? Outside stresses and distractions can take us out of our element, interfere with our focus and awareness, and impact everything from our decision-making abilities to our reaction times.

Our jobs are both physically and mentally demanding—safety extends beyond gloves, glasses. and harnesses, beyond just an item on a checklist. We know that the risks are real across our industry, and in every aspect of our work. Our focus and the choices we make every day have real consequences for everyone around us. So when it comes to creating a safe and productive work environment, it’s critically important that we are both physically and mentally present as individuals and as an entire team.

While construction workers will always face risks, the work we’re doing to change the culture across the industry is helping. In just the past two decades, the rate of recordable incidents on construction sites has dropped 67%, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. But we know we need to remain vigilant and continue encouraging workers to adopt and maintain safe work practices.

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the construction industry has one of the highest suicide rates compared to other industries.  In addition, the pandemic has intensified the ongoing issue of substance abuse across the industry, particularly opioid addiction. These serious issues can cause even the best worker to put others at risk, and a momentary lapse in focus can lead to catastrophic results. Less noticeable things like prolonged stress, anxiety, financial concerns, or tensions with a family member, boss, or coworker can cause workers to lose focus.

Construction safety is also truly a community-wide concern, especially when you consider not only the thousands of workers on jobsites, but the thousands of Madison residents who drive or walk near those sites each day. We also know that any incident on a jobsite can have a financial impact on our community. That’s why it’s up to each of us to never let our guard down, to understand the impact of our actions, and to make certain that every decision, every operation, and every project is built safety.

During Safety Week 2021 (May 3-7) we are holding events here at Newcomb Construction to remind our workers about the steps we take each day to remain safe. These events will promote healthy body and healthy mind - Be Present. Be Focused. Be Safe. 

So, if you pass a construction site May 3-7, take a minute to consider the risks these workers are taking, and give them a thumbs up. To learn more about Safety Week, visit www.constructionsafetyweek.com or follow Newcomb Construction on LinkedIn and look for new posts during safety week!